Our Mission
Yesterday was the past, tomorrow will be the future, however today is the gift. At Germaid, we call this the present. We welcome you into a whole other dimension of space. We have been called to come to your rescue, and we bring you nothing but love, peace, happiness and healing as we continue to travel through our divine journey throughout this indescribable, magical place in space referred to as, the Universe.
We are an Australian owned organisation on a cosmic mission to help purify, protect and heal the world person by person to ensure that comfort, health and happiness is just a squeeze or spray away.
Germaid came into existence to ensure that the future of the world had the convenience of the utmost effective, nourishing and healing anti-bacterial products using absolutely NO alcohol or any other harmful ingredients for all to enjoy. Through the creation of our products we were able to dissect each formula adequately, giving every ingredient an absolute significant purpose to assure the highest quality of results are achieved. All our ingredients are used with a specific intention to serve each individual product requirements using superior quality organic ingredients to provide the nourishment and love our skin yearns for. Our beautiful cosmetic range naturally disinfects, purifies and heals 99.99% of unwanted germs and bacteria, which inevitably play a detrimental role to our health and general well-being. Our health and well-being should be protected, nurtured and regarded as our most highest value as we carry our body with us throughout all types of lifestyles. With this being said, at Germaid we regard the body to be ones temple, and one should unconditionally love and nurture their own temple for optimal health and performance. Knowing what type of products and ingredients we apply to our skin is a vital aspect towards optimal health. Alcohol is generally known for its negative effects to the body and the long term destructive and harmful consequences it carries with it. When you see alcohol listed amongst the top of an ingredients list, without question you will surely know or become aware that it will no doubtably aggravate and be cruel to your precious healthy skin.
Our Journey
The journey of Germaid products is a constant evolution on a continuous hunt to achieve the most optimal results in every way possible. We use only the most effective organic ingredients in our cosmetic range while also taking into consideration the health aspects associated with each product. We use NO alcohol in any of our products as we’ve specifically hand-crafted our cosmetic range to be the cleanest, healthiest and purest healing disinfecting products to ever exist. You are rest assured that every Germaid product you are using has a magnitude of benefits ensuring that while disinfecting your skin, you would simultaneously gain a lot of health improvement from evident organic super ingredients that your skin will be thanking you for. Germaid have done all the ground work and combined an extensive amount of super organic ingredients to give yourself and your skin an ultimate healing experience.
We kindly thank you in advance for not only supporting our mission and vision but for being conscious enough to take responsibility for the types of products you apply to your body. As a community, if we all took the approach of doing good for ourselves and did all the right things in life, then this would result in a raise in vibration and frequency which would ultimately play a significant role in the future of humanity and the positive progression this world aches for. After all, it all starts with you
Our Vision
As a youthful, enthusiastic and dedicated team we embark on this journey to help everyone as a whole make better choices throughout their lives. We are here to drive change in a positive and forward thinking way by supplying superior quality products while undertaking ethical, virtuous, and conscious morals to help protect and heal this world. At Germaid, we strongly believe that education is key to move forward in a positive and proactive way and if everyone does their part as an individual then we could ultimately move forward as a whole. We do this by empowering people with knowledge, providing environmental solutions and by only offering products that are organic, natural, ethically sourced, low impact with absolutely no alcohol. We are a conscious, energetic and determined organisation that aim to source affordable and accessible products that not only serve their purpose to disinfect and purify, however help alleviate and heal skin blemishes and purify skin tone. Our values are to be authentic, transparent, kind, customer-obsessed, and to always make responsible decisions that benefit both, us and our planet. We are very passionate about naturally derived and organic ingredients and strongly believe that no body should use anything detrimental on themselves. There are very few to none organisations that provide disinfectant products without the use of Alcohol or without the use of harmful chemicals/ingredients. With the lack of natural and ethical disinfecting products in todays day and age, we are determined to make Germaid the number one, world wide, greatest healing and purifying organisation to ever exist.
Mind, Body and Soul. Cultivate your mind, nourish your body and heal your soul. Our vision in future years to come is to see quality of living rise, with families and communities being able to enjoy each others company while doing the things that they love most.